60db.net is a privately-owned company; we provide some of the world's leading technology brands in the UK.
60db.net is renowned as the authority on the latest trends in audio, networking and production systems for the music and event industries.
Data privacy and protection is very important to us for everyone who uses our products and services, and who entrusts us with their information. We have written this privacy notice so you can better understand how we collect data, what we do with it and how we look after it. We will tell you how long we keep data and what happens when we no longer need it. We will also outline what rights you have over your data and how we protect and facilitate those rights.
If you want to change the preferences you have with us for email or for postal marketing, you can use the contact details below.
If you do not have an email address associated with us, and you want to make a request to opt in or out of postal marketing you can do so by writing to the address below. Please note that requests can take up to 30 days to process.
Thank you for reading our Privacy Notice. If you would like to contact us to understand more about our privacy notice or wish to contact us concerning any matter relating to individual rights and your personal information, then please email or write to us at:
Email: datacontroller@60db.net
The Data Controller
11 Queens Road,
DT11 7JX